Steeds belangrijker blijkt het dat ruiters en
amazones werken aan persoonlijke groei en het vertrouwen
in zichzelf en daarmee het paard

“In the past there was a lot of horse people, now there is a lot of people with horses”. This is one great thing I learned from Arno, putting the horse, his care and knowledge about it first, to realise the importance of being a horseman not only a rider. Along with so many other great aspects I learned from Arno about the sport; discipline, hard work, focus, the importance of setting solid realistic training plans and committing to it in order to move ahead with my equestrian career.
Thank you Arno for all your support and the knowledge I was able to learn from you. You are a great, honest and dear role model for me and for a lot of my equestrian colleagues.
Ahmed Hussein


It appears to be increasingly important that riders and amazons focus on personal growth and confidence in themselves and thus the horse. 

This coaching is meant for people who:

We work closely together with PK2, partner in personal and leadership development. For more information see the website of PK2. the website of PK2.

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